High Tech Movement (1972-1985)
Armstrong’s Moon landing, 1969
Japanese sci-fi art, Pater Sato magazine cover
Hitoshi Ikematsu book jacket illustration, 1984

Renzo Piano
Georges Pompidou Centre, Paris
Buckmister Fuller
R. Buckminster Fuller, US Pavillion für die Weltausstellung in Montreal, 1967, Courtesy, The Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller.
Space Week: Armstrong's Moon landing speech rewritten | COSMOS magazine.
[ONLINE] Available at: http://www.cosmosmagazine.com/news/armstrongs-moon-landing-speech-rewritten/.
[Accessed 10 February 2014].
Japanese sci-fi art (1972-1985) ~ Pink Tentacle.
[ONLINE] Available at: http://pinktentacle.com/2011/03/japanese-sci-fi-art-1972-1985/.
[Accessed 10 February 2014].
Sottsass, Ettore .
[ONLINE] Available at: http://theredlist.fr/wiki-2-18-392-1335-1367-1370-view-italian-design-6-profile-sottsass-ettore-1.html#photo.
[Accessed 10 February 2014].
Renzo piano, shard architect, georges pompidou centre architect renzo piano, architect padre pio pilgrimage church, new york times building renzo piano designer.
[ONLINE] Available at: http://www.understandingitaly.com/people/piano.html.
[Accessed 10 February 2014].
[ONLINE] Available at: http://arttattler.com/architecturebuckminsterfuller.html.
[Accessed 10 February 2014].
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