Tuesday 11 February 2014

◘ High Tech Design ◘


HIGH TECH Design was first founded in the mid 1960's. This movement was mainly influenced by a previous movement of the Anti/Radical design from the geometric forms of
Buckminster Fuller.  


"In that era, High Tech design influenced more the interiors by using raw industrial materials in their design including also the exterior."

As was said above, in the high tech design era designers used to make a lot of use out of raw material products such as rocks and wood ex. doing the outdoor of a house using either wood strips or rock as you can see in this image.


              Michael Hopkin's house, 1979                                                        Schroder house, 1920


Outspoken & Freckled: Duck and Cover... and Pass the Popcorn! .
 [ONLINE] Available at: http://kelleepratt.blogspot.com/2013/01/duck-and-cover-and-pass-popcorn.html. [Accessed 06 February 2014].

Aspergerific. 2014. Aspergerific. 
[ONLINE] Available at: http://aspergerific.blogspot.com/. 
[Accessed 06 February 2014].

Architect, Sir Michael Hopkins’ House, built in... | Cargotecture. 
[ONLINE] Available at: http://www.cargotecture.co.nz/post/49399745/architect-sir-michael-hopkins-house-built-in. 
[Accessed 06 February 2014].

Anon. n.d. Hopkins house.
 [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.engineering-timelines.com/scripts/engineeringItem.asp?id=747 [Accessed 06 February 2014]

archdaily, n.d. AD Classics: Rietveld Schroder House.
 [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.archdaily.com/99698/ad-classics-rietveld-schroder-house-gerrit-rietveld/ 
[Accessed 06 February 2014]

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